Power Dialer Setup

The Ringy Power Dialer is a type of dialer that allows you to effectively work and call your leads by selecting the next lead for you based on customizable lead routing rules. Different from the Progressive Dialer found on the Sales Pipeline page, our Power Dialer will not show you the list of leads waiting to be called next. The power dialer “queue” represents all the leads that are currently available in the power dialer. The first time you put leads into the power dialer, all of them will be in the queue and available to be selected. As you or your agents work these leads, they will not be immediately available in the power dialer queue again depending on the status that was assigned to each lead.

To watch our Power Dialer Demo and for more information on the Ringy Power Dialer, click here or select the Power Dialer page in the left hand menu of your Ringy account.

For legal reasons, Ringy cannot ever automatically dial leads without an agent initiating the dialer and you also are not able to call multiple leads at the same time. If you try to initiate another call from the same account even while using different devices when the Power Dialer is added onto your account, it will log you out seeing as there is already an active call in progress. The Power Dialer is an optional add-on. You can of course continue using the Sales Pipeline page per your preference.

If you are setting up Company level Power Dialer Campaigns, you will need to create company settings then on the My Company tab. Agents will need to be attached to your company in order to add to company level Power Dialer Campaigns. 

1. Purchase the Power Dialer add-on, which renews with the subscription for an additional $70 per 30 day period. 
    1. On the Billing page, check the box beside the “Power Dialer + Unlimited Voice” option in the My Subscription Section. Now choose “UPDATE SUBSCRIPTION.” The $70 cost will be pro-rated depending on how many days are remaining on your current subscription. 
    2. Once added on, you will no longer be charged for outbound calls, and can also utilize Call Scripts

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2. Create and edit lead vendors to now “Import these leads into the Power Dialer.” on the Lead Vendors page. Please note, once you choose to import these leads into the Power Dialer, that is irreversible. In order to no longer have vendors importing leads into the Power Dialer in the future, the lead vendor would need to be recreated. 
    1. While setting up a new lead vendor, choose the option “Import these leads into the Power Dialer” in the “Lead distribution settings” section. 
    2. To edit a lead vendor already created on your account to now import leads into the Power Dialer, click the purple pencil beside the lead vendor, and choose the option “Import these leads into the Power Dialer” in the “Lead distribution settings” section. Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 11.35.22 AM
    3. Under "Report settings," ensure the "Power Dialer statuses" is chosen for "Lead status group." Please note, if you are setting up Company level Power Dialer Campaigns, choose "Company Power Dialer statuses" instead. 

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3. On the Power Dialer page, click the wrench icon in the top right corner to "Open power dialer setup." Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 11.41.57 AM   If you are setting up Company Level Power Dialer Campaigns, ensure you are creating the campaigns then under the "COMPANY SETTINGS TAB."

Choose "DIALER CAMPAIGNS" on the left of the page:

Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 11.43.24 AM
Dialer campaigns allow you to dial leads from your lead vendors in the Power Dialer. You can create multiple campaigns and use them to dial leads from different lead vendors.
    1. Click "+ NEW CAMPAIGN" Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 11.47.07 AM
    2. Name the Power Dialer Campaign. 
    3. Select the lead vendor you established as a Dialer vendor from the drop down menu. Please note, you can either associate multiple vendors to one power dialer campaign or create multiple different power dialer campaigns to associate to each vendor. 
    4. Select users to associate to this campaign as applicable, including yourself.
      1. Anyone on your team you're also adding you can determine the maximum leads they can claim daily. If you do not set a maximum, there will be no limit. If you input 0, they have to schedule an appointment or sell a lead in order for it to be claimed. 
      2. You can choose to set anyone else being added to the campaign as an "admin," which would allow them to view reports on the Power Dialer Campaign in their Team Analytics tab
    5. Determine Rules: 
      1. Release leads that were selected for someone in the Power Dialer if they are not working the lead after a custom amount of time. Recommended is 15 minutes if you choose this option. 
      2. Transfer claimed leads that haven't been worked back to the Power Dialer automatically after a custom amount of time. Recommended is 2 days if you choose this option. Please note, it will not transfer claimed leads after this amount of time if any agent attached to this campaign scheduled an upcoming appointment with a lead. 
    6. Priority, 1 (low) to 10 (high): 
      1. You can prioritize campaigns by assigning each campaign a priority between 1 through 10. When multiple campaigns are selected while working the Power Dialer, leads from higher priority campaigns will be selected before leads from campaigns with lower priorities. If you don’t want leads in different campaigns prioritized over others, simply leave your priority level at 5. This can always be adjusted. 

4. Review Power Dialer Statuses by now choosing "Lead Statuses" on the left of the page: Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 12.03.24 PM

Lead statuses are used in the Power Dialer to determine when a lead will be available to be called again. Through years of Ringy users beta testing our Power Dialer, you will see statuses already populated to begin using.

You can click the purple pencil beside a current status to view it's routing rules, and make any necessary changes. You can click the red trashcan beside a status to delete it completely. You are also able to create new statuses as necessary.

Any status with no routing rules attached means leads assigned this status will NOT be put back into the Power Dialer. 

5. Dial Session Settings configuration:

For company admins only, you can apply Restrictions for agents added to Company Power Dialer Campaigns to restrict how users configure their dial sessions. This will prevent users from changing the settings you have selected by choosing "RESTRICTIONS" on the left of the page under the "COMPANY SETTINGS" tab. 

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Otherwise, you can exit out of the Power Dialer Setup to instead now "Open dial session settings" found on the top right of the page:  Screenshot 2025-03-13 at 12.21.02 PM

Unless locked in by the company administrator, you can edit your dial session settings as desired. Please note, anytime you refresh your browser or log back into Ringy, the dial session settings will be need to be reconfigured to your liking. 

6. Before you begin dialing, if you have any leads in your Ringy account already you wish to move to the Power Dialer, you can Bulk Update Leads on your Leads page, and choose "Move leads to Power Dialer," then select which Power Dialer Campaign you wish to move them to. 

7. You're ready to dial!

Select the Campaign(s) you wish to begin dialing from the drop down menu, and choose "Preview Next Lead." 

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After each call, choose the applicable status on the right hand side of your screen to carry on calling the next lead available in the queue!