Inactive Phone Numbers

When making a phone number inactive by choosing the MORE button beside it, it will not assign that phone number to any new leads. However, if the number was already assigned to a lead before making it inactive, it will stay as the assigned number for that lead.

To reassign all leads to a new number in place of your now inactive number, select the MORE button beside the inactive number, and choose “Detach from leads.”

Please note, you’re still charged for inactive numbers as you are still establishing ownership of that phone number. To delete a number, select the MORE button beside the phone number and click Delete. There will then be an option, “Yes, charge my account $1”  if you would like to keep the number active for another 30 days so leads can still call or text you. Otherwise, just click No.

There may not be a MORE button beside the phone number if it is currently your Default phone number. Click the MORE button beside another number to set it as your default instead. Now there will be a MORE button beside the phone number to take further action.