Business Profile tab / A2P 10DLC Registration

US carriers no longer support using application-to-person (A2P) SMS messaging over local, unregistered 10-digit long codes (10DLC). For A2P SMS messaging, US carriers instead offer a new type of system called A2P 10DLC.

Business Profile Tutorial Video 

The Business Profile tab of the Phone Setup page is for managing A2P 10DLC registration.

A2P stands for Application to Person - which is the sort of contact users of Ringy utilize. 10DLC stands for 10-digit long code, which is the standard format of local phone numbers Ringy offers.

Regulatory authorities, in cooperation with phone carriers, developed A2P 10DLC registration in order to combat spam. Registering for A2P 10DLC can help prevent your messages and calls from being filtered as spam, though carriers can still filter what they choose. A2P 10DLC registration is mandatory to send text messages from local phone numbers on any application, including Ringy. 


What are the different registration options?

1. Creating a Starter Business Profile charges a one-time $4 registration fee. Starter profiles do not require a tax ID, but you can only have up to 1 phone number on your account and limits sending text messages to 3,000 SMS segments / day. Please ensure you are entering a mobile phone number for the registration phone number while creating a Starter Business Profile. 

2. Creating a Standard Business Profile does have associated costs charged by the Campaign Registry and cell carriers and requires you to have an EIN. If you do not have an EIN, you can apply for one through the IRS as a sole proprietor. Please note, you cannot use a Social Security number as it requires an Employment Identification Number specifically.  If you allow others to join your Business Profile, there is a 400 phone number limit per A2P Campaign.

3. If you’d like to join someone else’s A2P campaign, you can do so by entering their A2P Campaign Passcode in the Join Business Profile section. This effectively registers your account just the same as if you did so on your own, however, your account is then not subject to any of the costs associated with the registration.

Note that if you see a red exclamation mark on the Phone Setup page button or the Business Profile tab, this means that your account is not registered for A2P 10DLC. Once your account is registered, this icon disappears.


Once registered under a Standard Business Profile, you can also setup Branded Calling. There will be a section for you to enter a Caller display name to even further help with numbers displaying as scam likely. If your Caller ID isn't always displaying on leads' phones, register your Ringy phone numbers on Alternatively, you can register directly on Hiya, FirstOrion, and Verizon through each of the following links:


Ringy has no control over the business profile review process. We provide the opportunity to register for A2P 10DLC within Ringy so we can help in the event business profiles are rejected, and to try and make it as easy as possible for you. The Campaign Registry is the company that is specifically in charge of reviewing business profiles for approval. If you received your EIN very recently, it will take a few weeks for it to appear on the global records The Campaign Registry uses to verify businesses in order to approve the associated business profile registration.


What happens if you do not register for A2P 10DLC?

As of September 1, 2023, you will no longer be able to send text messages from local phone numbers unless you're fully registered with A2P 10DLC. You can still receive text messages, and utilize Ringy phone numbers for inbound as well as outbound calls regardless of your account's registration status.

What are the fees associated with A2P 10DLC?

Creating a Starter Business Profile charges a one-time $4 registration fee. 

Creating a new Standard Business Profile has a one-time $44.00 registration fee The Campaign Registry charges per business profile review. After your Standard Business Profile is approved, you'll be able to create an A2P 10DLC messaging service campaign ($2 - $35 / monthly fee).  We recommend choosing Mixed Use Case ($10 per month) or Low Volume Mixed ($2 per month) when creating an A2P Campaign. Low Volume is the same as Mixed Use, but with a lower throughput. 

All A2P 10DLC costs are charged to your Ringy account balance and not your payment method directly. You can view your Ringy account balance by navigating to the Billing page in the left hand menu, and in the My Funds section. 


What is an A2P 10DLC messaging service campaign?

First, this has nothing to do with sending a campaign from the Campaigns page in Ringy. Rather, an A2P 10DLC messaging service campaign indicates how you'll be using the A2P 10DLC phone numbers you're sending text messages from. Please note, if you allow others to join your Business Profile, there is a 400 phone number limit per A2P Campaign. 

What is a trust score?

The trust score is based on the degree to which business information is available for the company in the standard vetting process, combined with company size and years in operation. (In general, smaller organizations and those with less business presence will receive lower scores, and that is consistent with guidelines for being placed into carrier messaging tiers.) As a result, many brands are expected to not get 100/100 due to trust scores being tied to the brand’s footprint. A Trust Score ranges from 0 to 100, 100 being the best. 

Your Trust Score is granted to you by The Campaign Registry upon the approval of your A2P 10DLC business profile. Your Trust Score affects the message throughput i.e. how many texts can be sent per second as well as the T-MOBILE DAILY SMS LIMIT. 

T-Mobile has imposed a daily outbound SMS messaging limit that is based on your Trust Score. This limit is applied at the Business Profile level and shared among all A2P Campaigns (and users) under that Business Profile. The limit is based on the total number of outbound SMS segments and MMS messages sent to T-Mobile (including Sprint and MetroPCS). This limit 
resets each night at midnight Pacific time. To help save you money, Ringy does its best to detect when you’ve reached this daily limit and will try to reject text messages from going out to specific carriers so that you are not charged. 

Your Trust Score, although tough to lower or raise, is subject to change based on carrier violations, messages flagged as spam, as well as leads responding to you with opt-out verbiage which affects your opt-out rating.

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Ringy support would be happy to submit a ticket on your behalf with our phone number provider that handles the secondary vetting for A2P 10DLC to see if it is at all possible to increase your T-Mobile daily SMS limit. Please contact our support team to inquire about this. 


How has A2P 10DLC changed everything? 

Before A2P 10DLC, anyone could send SMS messages to consumers within the United States with unregistered 10-digit phone numbers. They also had no messaging limits. Now, anyone using 10-digit phone numbers must register their phone numbers with their business (we make this easy for you from the Phone Setup page). A2P 10DLC also sets high-volume daily limits on the number of messages each business can send using A2P 10DLC messaging service campaigns.