Sales Marketing Strategy [Importance, Challenges, Top Tactics]
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By Ringy
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For virtually every business around, growing revenue is the primary goal.
But this doesn't happen in a vacuum. To see real revenue growth, you need to reach new potential customers, capture leads, and nurture relationships to promote customer retention.
And the key to all of that?
Sales and marketing strategies.
You're probably just spinning your wheels without a well-developed sales and marketing strategy. Sure, you might get lucky every now and then and see a strong month, but right after that, you're back to wondering where all those leads are at.
In this article, we're going to outline what makes a powerful sales and marketing strategy and show you exactly how to build one for yourself.
Better tell your bank manager that $$$ is about to come rolling in.
The Importance of a Marketing and Sales Strategy
Let me borrow your eyes for a second:
If you're struggling to make out what's going on there, you're not alone.
That's a collection of logos of MarTech (marketing technology brands). That's from 2018 when there were only (“only”) 5000.
In 2022, it's double that.
Marketing tools are not alone in this phenomenon; the same rule applies to virtually every SaaS industry:
Unfathomable growth.
Okay, so here's the cut:
Companies can't sell on product features anymore: you're not the only one doing what you're doing.
You have to differentiate. You have to build a brand. You have to create a sales and marketing strategy.
Well, really, you need to create a sales strategy and marketing strategy; they're two different things because they're two different departments.
Marketing typically handles the attracting side of the aisle, using proven tactics like social media, content marketing, website optimization, and paid ads. Sales handle prospecting, lead nurturing, demonstrations, negotiations, and closing sales.
BUT (there's always a but), these two strategies have to work together.
Let's check it out in a little more detail.
Sales Strategy vs. Marketing Strategy
So, what's the difference?
Well, a sales strategy is your blueprint for your sales team to follow, and the marketing strategy is the blueprint for, well, your marketing team to follow.
Okay, a bit obvious, but it's true.
Here are some of the more nuanced differences:
Sales Strategy |
Marketing Strategy |
Details how the sales team expects to turn leads into customers. |
Details how the marketing team expects to attract leads. |
Tends to be more product and benefit-focused. |
Tends to be more brand-focused. |
Takes leads from marketing. |
Feeds lead to sales. |
Usually developed by the sales leader. |
Usually developed by the marketing leader. |
May include multiple strategies depending on audience segments. |
May include multiple strategies depending on audience segments. |
Many companies fail to align sales and marketing, and often they're working in the opposite direction.
Pitting the two departments against each other only stands to hurt your company, ROI, bottom line, and more.
The most effective sales and marketing strategies are the ones that play to each department's strengths and catch each other's weaknesses.
Primarily since neither department exists mutually exclusive of one another: sales and marketing can't function without each other!
Common Challenges of Sales and Marketing Strategies
If putting together effective marketing and sales strategies were easy, well, you wouldn't be here, would you?
In reality, many companies struggle with this endeavor.
Here's what gets in their way:
- Not developing a strategy in the first place
- Failing to research and understand their customers
- Not implementing a method for measurement
- Lack of alignment and communication between sales and marketing
- Leadership failing to communicate strategy to those who are executing it
1. Not developing a strategy in the first place
This has got to be the number one issue.
Many teams just jump into tactics. They start running some ads on Instagram, write a few blogs, or jump on the phone and start cold prospecting potential clients.
But they don't actually spend time strategizing.
But not you. You're here. So you've already eliminated the first challenge.
2. Failing to research and understand their customers
Sales and marketing strategies should be deeply based on who your customers are, what motivates them, and what challenges they are facing right now.
But here's the thing:
You can't know that unless you talk to them, right?
The second major problem business has with sales and marketing strategies is that they don't actually talk to their customers.
They make assumptions about what they want, what kinds of messages resonate, and what they want and need to know about a brand or product before making a decision.
3. Not implementing a method for measurement
Sales and marketing strategies are designed to deliver results.
But many business leaders don't actually include in their strategy a method for measuring how effective (or otherwise) that strategy is.
That means they can't:
- Quantify return on investment (ROI)
- Hold others accountable
- Make strategic decisions like prioritizing one tactic over another
4. Lack of alignment and communication between sales and marketing
We all have probably been there - sitting between two good friends who are trying to communicate. Both friends are talking about the toll cost, and they are saying the same thing. However, you are the only person in the room who understands that. They think they are speaking Earthling and Alien, respectively.
This scenario demonstrates how sales and marketing teams often communicate. They are two sides of the same coin because their activities feed into each other and the company. But, if they each feel that the other is speaking a different language, they will not be able to communicate effectively.
Communication could be as simple as marketing giving sales a heads up about a change in the deals the company is promoting. For example, imagine going into an agreement with a new client and they request their 40% introductory offer: the salesperson thought it was only 15%! Nope, it was changed in the marketing materials the client saw already.
The same goes for sales: if marketing is designing creative content for a client, and the salesperson doesn't relay the correct information, the company has now lost money. Re-doing creativity takes time, money, and hassle.
When it comes to a comprehensive sales, and marketing strategy, communication is critical. Everyone must be aligned on goals, objectives, cost, expected number of leads, etc. They must speak to each other to further any revenue goals.
In sales and marketing, that could mean the same person or team duplicating work. It could mean someone doesn't do the work they thought someone else was doing. So while it is still a problem with general communication, it also becomes a collaboration problem.
Information sharing and analysis are at the top of the collaboration list. Marketing can benefit from personas' sales shares and vice versa. Sales can benefit from marketing's knowledge about how to approach specific industries.
Collaboration is good, people!
Collaboration in sales and marketing isn't just about sharing information either; it's celebrating the wins and learning from the failures. You have to remember that you are part of a larger team. Collaboration benefits the company as a whole and makes the job easier for each individual because everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. No work is duplicated, and nothing is left undone because everyone thought someone else would do it.
Communication |
Collaboration |
Implementation |
Make sure everyone understands what is being discussed “speak the same language” |
Make sure everyone knows their role |
Give each team the tools to do their job well |
Keep everyone up to date on changes |
Avoid duplicating work or missing work |
Let the sales and marketing teams do what they do best |
Align your goals, objective, cost, etc. |
Work together |
5. Leadership failing to communicate strategy to those who are executing it
We already said it: communication is key.
Between sales reps, marketing specialists, sales and marketing, and, of course, leadership and those who are actually doing the work.
This is the last area where a lot of companies fall over; they fail to communicate the strategies they've created to the people doing the actual work.
Best Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales
So, how does this whole thing work?
How can marketing help to drive new sales development?
Here are just a few ways.
1. Perform A Content Audit
Performing a content audit on your website, email messaging, and even your sales scripts is one of the most effective strategies in sales and marketing. The content audit gives the entire sales and marketing team an easy-to-follow log of your existing content. In addition, it can provide insight into:
- Company goals
- What content needs to be updated - whether that's on a website or in a sales script
- Useful content vs. stale content that needs to be updated
- How accurate your content is for the market
- How accurate your content is for your audience
- Identify keywords and phrases unique to your product, service, or idea
Sales and marketing content don't have to be the same, but it should include a shared message. After all, we already discussed how important it is to have sales and marketing on the same page. A content audit will make sure every single person understands how the target customer is digesting your unique message.
A content audit can also lead to a more succinct, wordier, or overall creative content marketing plan. With a solid plan, content can help generate the best strategies in sales and marketing.
2. Dive Into A Market Analysis
The best sales/marketing strategies and plans include market analysis. If your product or service is national or international, you are already delving into different personas, SWOT analyses, and even language that your sales and marketing teams need to understand.
Researching current data is your first step when venturing into new markets or buckling down in existing markets. This information is constantly changing, mainly because people are on the move all the time - typically, your teams want to leverage data that is no more than three years old. That said, sometimes the most updated information can be found only as soon as five years ago.
3. Get Busy On Social Media
Social media isn't just for B2C eCommerce brands looking to promote their latest line.
Both marketing and sales can use social media to drive new business. Marketing should focus on building an audience, distributing content, and educating potential customers.
Sales can use social selling tactics on platforms like LinkedIn to speak directly with prospects and reach them where they are (cause we're all on social, right?)
4. Leverage Video
Video can be the winning tactic for an entire marketing plan and sales strategy. It's practical, consistent, and much more fun than regular content. Just ask Netflix or Hulu.
- Establish trust
- Engage audiences
- Generate leads
- Drive brand loyalty
On the marketing side, video can be included in every single marketing tactic your team chooses to use. It's highly effective in engaging audiences in social media and paid advertising. More engagement equals more customers interested in your product. On the B2C side, video is king.
This is where video testimonials come into play on the sales side. In 2020, nine out of ten people stated that they believed in reviews, either in person or online, when making product decisions.
Many sales professionals can utilize video testimonials to:
- Demonstrate credibility
- Demonstrate a real, satisfied customer
- Show the product, service, or idea in real-time
- Provide social proof
5. Optimize for Voice Search
An effective sales marketing strategy owner will optimize their content, videos, website, and much more for voice search.
The main reason is with the introduction of the almost sentient Siri (change our minds) and other voice-activated assistants, a whole new marketing level opened up. There are entire companies that spend their time working to optimize keywords, phrases, and even sounds so your customers reach the products and services they want.
Or, in this case, need, since voice assistants are typically used in the car. Therefore, anyone searching out a business or consumer product in their vehicle must need it. Or, they are probably working too much.
Optimizing for voice search isn't the most straightforward marketing tactic, but it is among the best marketing strategies to increase sales.
6. Retarget, Retarget, Retarget
For those sales professionals unfamiliar with retargeting, it's those ads that you see when visiting a website that follows you around the internet. For some people, that's the dress that you left in your cart or the baseball collector's card from eBay that you keep staring at. These ads are designed to reconnect you with products or ideas that you have already looked at. They remind you over and over again why you want that product and how you can get it.
Salespeople, these ads are annoying, and many people tune them out. But to convert a non-believer into a product evangelist, retargeting ads is where it's at, and everyone should use them.
The problem is retargeting costs money.
Don't let that discourage you, though. Retargeting is worth it.
Retargeting is a form of paid ad that requires a skilled marketer to set up and run. However, sales and marketing strategies do require investment, and retargeting is one of the best options.
7. Get on the Same Page
Getting on the same page could be aligning goals, budgets, campaigns, objectives, and more.
Mainly, get buy-in from everyone involved in your sales and marketing strategies. Ensure that every single person on each team knows what their roles are and how to execute them.
This is a common problem that many sales and marketing plans don't always address. It's assumed that everyone will know their roles: but often, as we have reviewed, those roles crossover quite a bit. That's why the SWOT analysis is the first step, but clarity and reassurance can happen throughout this entire process.
Sales and Marketing Strategy Plan
Once a company has established its sales and marketing strategy, it's time to formulate an entire plan to continue forward. A sales and marketing strategy plan is a lot more actionable.
It's all about tactics:
- What marketing channels are we going to use?
- What does our messaging look like?
- How are we going to attract leads?
- What does the marketing to sales handoff look like?
- What steps are involved in our sales process?
1. Defining your marketing channels
First step is to understand where you're going to reach your customers.
This is largely driven by your understanding of their preferences. For example, you're probably not going to reach a crowd of 20-somethings on Facebook.
The five most widely-used marketing channels include:
- Social media
- PPC (Google Ads)
- Digital advertising
2. Developing your marketing messages
Marketing messaging is all about what you're communicating to your audience about your brand and about your product.
The idea is to stand out from your competition. The reality is that most platforms you're competing with offer the same features.
Your job is to explain (better than the rest) how your product and brand will impact their life.
Think: benefits and impacts, not features and uses.
3. Building a lead generation process
At this point, you know what you're going to say and where you're going to say it.
But running around online telling people how great your thing is won't be good enough.
You need to turn those passive observers (the ones you're ringing your bell at) into active interactors (say that five times fast).
In marketing terms: you need to generate leads.
So, what's your offer? What do you have to convince that potential customer to hand over their contact details?
Check out CXL's offer, a 7-day trial for only a buck.
4. Outlining the marketing to sales handoff process
When does a lead go from marketing to sales?
Is it as soon as they sign up for a free trial? When do they download an ebook? Or is it based on engagement signals the marketing measures throughout their lead nurture campaign?
Here, define exactly what qualifies a lead as sales-ready. We call this the difference between a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) and a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).
5. Detailing the steps in your sales process
Now it's in the hands of the sales team; what actions are they committing to from here?
Not gonna lie; building a sales process is a whole other topic.
Luckily, we've got a full blog post on that subject; check it out here.
Sales Marketing Strategy FAQs
“What strategies are the most effective to increase sales?”
Some of the most effective methods to increase sales comprise combining a marketing plan and sales strategy. Utilizing both departments, which don't typically work together, is the most effective method.
“What's the best marketing strategy?”
Social media, email marketing, and paid ads are considered three of the top methods for increasing sales and producing ROI. Therefore, all three should be incorporated into your sales marketing strategy.
“How do you create a sales and marketing strategy?”
Follow these seven steps:
- Define your company goals and objectives
- Perform a SWOT analysis
- Identify target persona
- Identify market and market research
- Analyze market fit
- Develop a unique sales proposition and value proposition
- Craft messaging and advertisements
Now that you understand more about sales marketing strategy, common challenges, and best practices, it's time to automate your processes.
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