Choosing the Best Lead Generation Tools: Types & Recommendations

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Table of Contents

Ever find yourself looking through leads, trying to decide which one is right for you? Maybe you've even had a stack of prospects that meet your criteria for an ideal customer profile (ICP) but still struggle to segment them correctly so you can send targeted ads, emails, or DRIP campaigns their way.

We're here to tell you there is a better way to manage your prospects, and that's with B2B lead generation tools.

Lead generation systems are designed to help you maximize your sales pipeline while moving leads through it and onto that elusive close.

This guide focuses on the different types of lead generation platforms, their key features and benefits, tips on choosing the best one, and some recommendations for modern tools for lead generation.

After all, the quest for leads is not just about segmenting them or deciding which one will convert; it's about having the right software to help you do it!

What Are Lead Generation Tools?

What Are Lead Generation Tools

As the name suggests, a B2B lead generation tool is a platform that assists with generating leads for your organization. We already know the challenges of lead generation, and that's where this type of software automates the process while increasing productivity.

Small business lead generation tools offer functionalities and features that streamline workflows, automate marketing triggers, and categorize leads based on your criteria. These advanced attributes of technology not only save you time and money but also allow your sales team to augment all client processes in one intuitive platform.

Understanding how lead generation works requires that you know two main methods exist:

  1. Inbound Lead Generation: Visitors are attracted to your site at their own leisure through content marketing or customer experiences that resonate with your target audience. Valuable information sharing and content creation are the primary ways inbound leads are generated.
  2. Outbound Lead Generation: More aggressive than inbound marketing, outbound lead generation concentrates on methods to engage with potential customers who might know about your company's services or products. It uses tactics involving email marketing, targeted ads, outbound calls from representatives, or a combination. Outbound marketing aims to capture your client's attention and develop a sales pipeline.

Whether you're a SaaS business or want to sell products or services to a B2C audience, lead generation tools can help you achieve your goals.

But why do you want to generate leads?

Because without them, your sales team won't have a chance to convert prospects into paying customers. Generating leads is vital for an organization's success. Consumers are capricious, so you can't just guess which one will convert and which will not.

Utilizing CRM lead generation tools helps you keep track of the type of customer your company encounters along with their preferences, needs, and demographics. Marketers use this data to build strategies that resonate with each prospect to attract them and boost conversions.

With a constant influx of new leads and a strategy to match, you can maintain your growth trajectory and achieve your sales targets.

Types of Lead Generation Tools

Types of Lead Generation Tools

How do you generate sales leads?

Maybe it's outbound calling and Facebook ads. But we don't want you to get strung up on one or two methods just because they produced results.

Lead generation tools come in all forms, from content marketing to website landing pages. This section explores eight types of lead generation tools to bring more leads into your sales pipeline.


VoIP softphones and dialers are the new normal these days, and rightfully so. This technology augments lead generation and other customer processes to make your sales representatives' lives much easier.

If you run an outbound call center, Ringy's power dialer add-on can supercharge your agent's productivity.

Ringy's power dialer is perfect for various industries, including:

  • Insurance agencies
  • Remote sales organizations
  • Financial services

What's awesome about our power dialer add-on is that it helps you reach more customers, close more deals, and remove the mundane task of manually dialing numbers, all for only an additional $70 per month. You also get unlimited call recording, voice minutes, and real-time reporting to assist in making the most of your customer relationships.

Website and Landing Page Builders

10% to 11% is the ideal conversion rate a landing page should accomplish. A well-designed website landing page aids in collecting visitor data, such as:

  • Names
  • Email address
  • An opt-in to your marketing emails

Marketers need to understand potential customers, and landing pages are an excellent place to get to know them.

Your landing pages should include:

  • A compelling headline
  • Information or a form that assists in collecting lead data
  • Call to action (CTA) to entice the visitor to take action
  • An offer that provides value to the user in return for their information

You can use an online form builder to create a landing page that integrates with your analytics software or CRM tools. It'll enable you to keep track of interactions at this touchpoint, engage with your target audience, and boost conversions through iterative refinement.

Email Marketing Software

Email Marketing Software

The average email open rate is 46% to 50%, making email marketing a potent lead generation tool.

Email marketing software has various use cases, including but not limited to:

  1. Growing a list of email subscribers
  2. Designing and building customized email templates
  3. Segmenting lists for targeted marketing
  4. Scheduling emails
  5. Automating campaigns

Lead generation tools, like Ringy, allow you to plan, execute, and monitor email marketing campaigns. Through DRIP campaigns and with the help of our AI scripting tool, you can craft killer emails.

For only $10 per month, the AI scripting tool can suggest replies to emails or text, improving your writing style, and even has a Chatbot that can reply to your leads in seconds!

With AI lead generation tools like this, you can save time and money while ensuring you fill your pipeline with hot leads.

Social Media Management Tools

If you utilize multiple social channels, you require lead generation tools like this. Social media management software is an all-in-one solution to manage all your social media without having to switch networks.

You can share and schedule content to all your social media platforms, streamlining the posting process.

These B2C or B2B lead generation tools can assist your team with:

  1. Audience engagement insight and analytics
  2. Multiple account monitoring tools
  3. Advanced post scheduling
  4. Respond to mentions and comments in one place

Marketers working on social media strategies utilize the software to make collaborating with employees working on the same project easier. With social media management software as one of the lead generation tools in your arsenal, you'll have a 360-degree view of exactly what is happening in all your social campaigns.

Content Marketing (Including SEO Tools)

High-quality content never goes out of style. It's easily one of the best ways to generate leads over the short or long term. You could do this in various ways, including creating high-value content like whitepapers, guides, or ebooks. These pieces are otherwise known as gated content and typically require site visitors to provide their details in exchange for the content.

You can also use SEO lead generation tools to discover the health of your pages with live on-page SEO reports. Auditing your website allows you to locate inconsistencies or errors affecting your search ranking.

According to the research by, SEO pretty much always trumps PPC (Pay-Per-Click) when it comes to conversions.

Here are a few top ways to utilize SEO to skyrocket your lead generation efforts:

  1. Thorough keyword research
  2. Refresh existing on-page content
  3. See what competitor site SEO ranking is
  4. Develop a content marketing strategy
  5. Get more backlinks

Optimizing your website's SEO is fantastic not only for your visitors but also for Google and other search engines. And who doesn't want more organic leads?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Ah, good old customer relationship management, our favorite lead generation tool. In this consumer-driven world, keeping track of client interactions while automating and streamlining daily mundane activities is essential.

Ringy, our CRM solution, offers various features to help you manage your client, including:

  • Organizing your contact
  • Tracking deals
  • Managing your sales pipeline
  • Communicate with prospects directly from the platform (Call, SMS, or email)
  • Manage and respond to tickets
  • Automate tasks
  • Integrate with other tools already in your tech stack

Our software puts you in the best position to close more deals. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface is a breeze to use, and we offer free onboarding to help you get to grips with the system. CRM lead distribution software is vital as customer data becomes more imperative. With this technology, you can change how you close deals, one customer at a time.

Lead Capture Forms and Pop-Ups

These lead generation tools help capture customer data on your website or landing page. You can offer visitors incentives such as access to gated content or discounts in exchange for their contact information and other data such as product preferences.

Testing out the design of the lead generation form or popup can help you determine which works best for your audience. You can set popups to trigger based on user activity, like when they've browsed the site for a specific time, scrolled past a certain point, or displayed exit intent.

Paid Advertising

If you're targeting specific demographics and interests, paid advertising can help you get the job done. The goal is to create high-quality, engaging display ads that resonate with your target audience.

Paid advertising can take multiple forms, including but not limited to:

  • Display advertising
  • Social media advertising
  • Search engine advertising

With paid advertising, you can quickly reach a large target audience, control what demographics see your ads and at what time, measure results through analytics, and optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency.

Key Features and Benefits of Tools for Lead Generation

Key Features and Benefits of Tools for Lead Generation

We've learned that lead generation tools take many shapes and forms. But what about the key features and advantages that they offer?

Let's take a look at those!

Lead Tracking and Analytics

Do you want to convert leads into loyal customers? That's where analytics and lead tracking can help. These tools make it easy to analyze and track client interactions across all channels, from email campaigns to PPC.

You'll be able to maintain a record of every touch point and engagement from closing the deal to after-sales service. The data you collect through lead tracking is essential for lead scoring and can help you develop an ICP.

As you gather more information, you can refine your scoring criteria to increase the likelihood of a conversion.

Automated Lead Nurturing

Guiding new leads through a sales funnel takes time and effort. So why not automate it? With DRIP campaigns, like the feature offered on our platform, you can easily nurture customer relationships as if they were a walk in the park.

Automated lead nurturing helps you build relationships with prospects by sending them a "drip" of timely communication through the purchaser's journey. Anything sending abandoned cart reminders, follow-up emails, or anniversary discounts can be automated. It helps you reach potential customers at the right time with the most relevant information.

A/B Testing Capabilities

Split testing or A/B testing is crucial for lead generation. It allows you to effectively optimize your lead generation process and experiment with different targeting, design, and message variations.

However, if performed incorrectly, the results you receive may result in wasted resources or, worse, misinformed strategies.

The key to A/B testing is identifying the most effective combination of outreach efforts that produces the best outcome. Once pinpointed, you can create a campaign based on the data you find.

Integration With Other Marketing Tools

In this digital age, integration is the name of the game! We already have multiple items in our tech stack, so why not augment them for a more productive and streamlined workflow?

Ringy's integration features help you funnel all leads into one place by integrating with software you already use.

Our sales software CRM connects to:

  • NextGen Leads
  • QuoteWizard
  • Gametime Leads
  • Benepath
  • Facebook
  • Google Calendar
  • Smart Financial
  • Zapier

If you can't find a specific integration on the list, we offer Ringy's CRM API, which opens up a world of possibilities. Our API is the middleman for connecting with any app or vendor your heart desires. Get support from our team at no additional cost and manage workflows your way!

Customization and Personalization Options

Lead generation tools offer a myriad of customization and personalization options. Gone are the days of cookie-cutter messaging reaching the masses and capturing their attention. With this key feature, you can modify outreach communications to specific customer profiles or segments based on the data you uncover through lead tracking.

People are inundated with marketing messages daily, so making yours special should be the primary focus. Over 72% of consumers would rather respond to personalized messages than some generic email campaign.

With personalized communication, you pierce through the noise and speak directly to your leads' requirements.

Lead Scoring and Segmentation

Lead Scoring and Segmentation

If you want to prioritize and focus your efforts on the most promising leads, scoring and segmenting them become quintessential. Lead scoring algorithms evaluate factors such as engagement levels, behavior patterns, and demographic information to determine which lead has the greatest chance of turning into a paying client.

Segmentation allows you to categorize said leads based on shared attributes, enabling targeted, relevant, and individualized messaging.

Multi-Channel Lead Capture

The ability to gather potential customers from various touch points is a feature of lead generation tools we can't go without (unless we want to decrease productivity, jokes.) Capture leads from different acquisition channels and import them into your lead generation tool.

Here are a few channels lead generation tools can extradite leads from.




Leads generated through website forms, landing pages, and contact forms

Social Media Platforms

Leads acquired through social media posts, ads, and messaging

Email Campaigns

Leads obtained through email marketing campaigns and newsletters

Search Engine Marketing

Leads captured through paid search ads (PPC) and organic search results

Content Marketing

Leads attracted through blog posts, articles, ebooks, and whitepapers

Online Events/Webinars

Leads gathered from virtual conferences, webinars, and online workshops

Affiliate Marketing

Leads generated through affiliate partnerships and referral programs

Aggregating these leads from your marketing channel and monitoring each one's journey through the buyer's cycle helps you determine their eligibility as a paying client.

Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

Access to real-time information is an invaluable feature of lead generation tools. Sales and marketing teams are notified when a specific event occurs, such as users visiting a web page, opening an email, or submitting a form.

You can capitalize on these opportunities by promptly responding to these triggers or streamlining the process through marketing automation tools.

How to Choose the Best Software for Lead Generation

How to Choose the Best Software for Lead Generation

Discovering which lead generation software works best for your business can be arduous. But it's a process you must go through.

Here's a quick rundown of some key considerations to keep in mind when choosing the best software for lead generation.

Assess Business Needs and Goals

Take the time to define your company goals and needs clearly. Are there any specific challenges you are trying to overcome? Do you need more lead volume? How can you improve lead quality?

When narrowing down your options for a suitable lead generation tool, these are all valid questions.

Consider Your Budget

Price is always a big consideration. Lead generation tools vary in price, from cost-effective entry-level solutions to more robust enterprise-level software. Evaluating your budget allows you to find an equilibrium between functionality and affordability.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your organization expands, lead generation requirements may diversify. For this reason, it's important to seek lead generation tools that offer scalability. Look for software that ensures a seamless transition from small business to budding enterprise, so you won't need to migrate systems once your organization gets off the ground.

User-Friendliness and Ease of Integration

User adoption and integration with existing systems is a primary consideration when deciding which lead generation tool is best. Your team has a plethora of tasks to take care of during a typical workday, so adopting the software shouldn't slow them down.

Smooth integrations with your tech stack will further streamline your workflows and ensure data consistency across multiple platforms.

Reviews and Reputation

It's never a bad idea to research customer reviews and determine the reputation of your desired lead generation tool. Scour through independent reviews, user feedback, and case studies to glean insights into the software's performance, reliability, and client satisfaction levels.

Customer Support and Training Resources

With the complex features included in lead generation software, it makes sense that training and customer support are major considerations. Vendors that offer dedicated support channels, such as email, phone, live chat, knowledge bases, and other resources, are the ones to go for.

3 Best Lead Generation Systems Recommendations

Lead generation tools bring more prospects into your funnel, driving the results you want. What better way to end this article than with a short review of three of the best lead generation systems available?




Ringy is our software, and it's built on what matters most—communication. Whether interacting with team members or guiding leads down the sales pipeline, Ringy has all corners covered. It's designed for both inbound and outbound operations, making it a robust CRM that does more than your average.

Here's a table of a few user segments that Ringy can help skyrocket results!

User Segment

Suitable For

Insurance Agents

Lead management system, sales tracking, outbound calling, SMS drip campaigns

Remote Sales

Remote access, VoIP calling, outbound calling, local ID, SMS drip campaigns

Financial Services

Client relationship management, outbound calling, local ID, VoIP calling


Client management, team collaboration, outbound calling, SMS drip campaigns


A cost-effective solution, lead management, outbound calling, local ID, VoIP calling, SMS campaigns

Small Businesses

Simplified CRM, lead management, outbound calling, local ID, VoIP calling, SMS drip campaigns

With its potent features and diverse user segment, you can see why our solution has received so many positive reviews. Don't believe us? Just check out our Customer Stories.

You can try Ringy for free to test its features!




HubSpot is a popular lead generation tool that offers features ranging from a built-in CRM, email marketing features and content marketing software. There are free and premium features available, so you can decide what works best for your budget and organization's requirements.

The platform has easy integrations with systems you use and there are a ton of resources on their website to assist if you run into any hiccups. With Hubspot's extensive feature set, it may become pricey for some businesses and could be better suited for a larger enterprise.




This lead generation tool offers many features to run your business, including accounting software, helpdesk tools, campaign management, and a built-in CRM that amalgamates everything.

Zoho allows you to run your entire business from its platform (whether you're big or small) and break down silos throughout your workforce. However, for businesses with little to no technical expertise, Zoho has a certain complexity that is challenging to master.

Lead Generation Tools - Final Thoughts

Lead Generation Tools - Final Thoughts

Generating leads and turning them into loyal customers doesn't have to be a task you loathe. With the right tools and a little bit of strategy, you can transform your organization from zero to hero.

That's why we recommend Ringy!

Request a demo to change how you do business.

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all.

Calling? Check. SMS? Check. Automation and AI? Check. Effortlessly keep in touch with your customers and boost your revenue without limits.

Try Ringy for Free