How to Transform Your Online Business with CRM Software for eCommerce

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Are you tired of staring at endless rows of customer data on spreadsheets? Do you find yourself muttering expletives every time you have to input new customer information manually?

Fear not, my eCommerce friend, for the solution to your problems is here - CRM software for eCommerce!

CRM software for eCommerce is the superhero you never knew you needed. With its powers of data management, customer segmentation, and email automation, it's the sidekick that will have you saying "Kapow!" in no time.

This article dives deep into what CRM software for eCommerce is, its benefits, considerations, and shares some superhero customer retention strategies that you can implement to take your organization to the next level.

So get ready to put your superhero attire on and start improving your bottom line with CRM software for eCommerce.

CRM Software eCommerce Explained

If you want to enhance your online customer experience, you should look at CRM software for eCommerce.

As your eCommerce company dilates, handling increased client service requests and demands can become challenging.

Enter CRM software for eCommerce!

An eCommerce CRM system is a solution specifically developed for online stores to analyze, manage, and track consumer data, including:

  • Purchase history
  • Complaints
  • Personal details
  • Positive feedback
  • Demographics

The entire customer experience is tracked and presented via a visual reporting dashboard provided by CRM software for eCommerce. You can monitor the following through CRM software for eCommerce analytics features:

  • Email subscriptions
  • Click through rates
  • Conversions
  • Website traffic

eCommerce businesses require this data to help improve their overall operations and retain more customers. Think of it as the suit gifted to Spiderman by Tony Stark; every time it's activated, Peter Parker completely controls the situation.

Types of CRM Software for eCommerce

Types of CRM Software for eCommerce

In today’s digital age, eCommerce has become vital to many businesses’ sales strategies. As eCommerce continues to grow in popularity, the need for effective customer relationship management software has become more critical than ever.

Depending on your organization and size, you may opt for one of three options; let’s explore each.

Cloud-Based CRM Software

Web-based or cloud-based CRM software for eCommerce stores is trending lately, and rightfully so.

Customer relationship management software hosted on the cloud is available from anywhere to anyone with login details. These solutions are also known as SaaS (Software as a Service) and can be used for cross-platform selling.

The CRM provider manages any upgrades, licensing, or security protocols, meaning these services are pretty much signed up, and you’re ready to go.

The table below highlights the benefits of cloud-based CRM software for eCommerce businesses:



Cost savings

Save money and invest in your business. With cloud-based CRM software for eCommerce, you eliminate the need for expensive hardware and software, reducing upfront costs and ongoing maintenance fees. That makes it an affordable solution for small and medium-sized eCommerce stores wanting to invest their resources in growing the company instead.


Grow your organization without headaches. Cloud-based CRM software for eCommerce can scale up and down depending on the requirements and needs of the business, perfect for companies that experience seasonal fluctuations and rapid growth.

Mobile Compatibility

Work on the go with sales mobile apps. Most web-based CRM solutions have mobile apps that allow you to work from anywhere in the world.


With cloud-based CRM, you increase efficiency and streamline workflows. Cloud-based CRM software for eCommerce amalgamates with other business tools such as shipping, automation, and marketing platform..

These advantages are significant and make any eCommerce store owner want to utilize web-based CRM software for eCommerce. However, proprietors must look at their business requirements before deciding if this option suits them.

CRM software for eCommerce stores doesn’t have to be cloud-based as other options allow organizations to store the program on local infrastructure—onsite CRM.

On-Premise CRM

An on-premise CRM software for eCommerce is a customer relationship management tool installed directly on a computer or server rather than being hosted in the cloud. It helps eCommerce businesses to organize customer information, improve customer service, and boost sales by tracking customer interactions and purchasing history.

Unlike cloud-based CRM software, hosted on external servers, on-premise CRM software gives enterprises more control over their data and security. Additionally, on-premise CRM software doesn't require an internet connection, which can be a significant advantage for companies operating in areas with poor connectivity.

Here are a few disadvantages of on-premise CRM software for eCommerce businesses for you to consider:

  • High upfront cost for hardware, software, and implementation.
  • Requires IT expertise for installation and maintenance
  • Limited scalability and flexibility
  • May require additional resources for data backup and disaster recovery

It's worth noting that while there are certainly some disadvantages to using on-premise CRM software, it can still be a viable option for some businesses. For example, companies handling sensitive customer information may prefer the greater control and security offered by on-premise software.

Ultimately, it's up to each business to weigh the pros and cons of on-premise CRM software and determine the right choice for their needs.

Open Source CRM Software

The underlying code of open-source CRM software for eCommerce, known as the source code, is available publicly so anyone can alter it. If you are looking for a real-world example, think of how WordPress works. Themes can be downloaded and edited directly to fix bugs, customize layouts and colors, or add features.

Various products and categories comprise the scope of open-source software (OSS). While most CRM systems are generally patented, there is a plethora of open-source CRM software for eCommerce available.

Four main license types of open-source software typically include:

  1. GNU General Public License (GPL): This license requires that any derivative works be licensed under the GPL, ensuring the software remains open-source and freely available. It is one of the most popular open-source licenses.
  2. Permissive: These licenses are most frequently used for open-source or free software since they contain the fewest limitations.
  3. Copyleft: With these licenses, you can modify the source code and distribute the finished software as long as you do it per the terms of the same license. For instance, you must also make the code public so that others can make their changes if you edit someone else's code and use it for anything other than personal use.
  4. Public domain: This code can be used without limitations. However, it must first be checked for security flaws.

Contrary to what you might have read or thought, "free" isn't always associated with "open-source." Yes, there may be open-source CRMs you can utilize without paying, but you'll only sometimes be that lucky.

Benefits of CRM eCommerce Software

Benefits of CRM eCommerce Software

As eCommerce continues to evolve and grow at an unprecedented pace, companies are constantly looking for ways to increase revenue and improve operations. By amalgamating CRM software and eCommerce, businesses can better understand customer prerequisites and requirements.

Let’s look at the primary benefits of CRM software for eCommerce businesses and how they can help your organization grow.

Customer Relationship Management Made Easy

Let's face it, managing customer relationships can be a real pain in the neck.

But with CRM eCommerce Software, it's a breeze!

You can easily collect customer data, track customer behavior, and send personalized emails and offers. Plus, with real-time CRM analytics, you'll have access to all the information you need to make informed decisions about your business.

Personalized Customer Experience

Regarding personalized emails and offers, CRM eCommerce software is your ticket to delivering a personalized customer experience. You can segment your customers based on:

  1. Preferences
  2. Behavior
  3. Demographics
  4. Other criteria

Send these segments targeted messages that speak directly to their needs. It's like having a personal shopper for each of your customers that ensures their requirements are fulfilled.

Increased Sales and Revenue

The most important benefit of CRM eCommerce software is increased sales and revenue. Understanding your customers better and delivering a personalized experience will increase client loyalty and sales. Plus, with features like abandoned cart recovery, you can recover lost sales and boost earnings even further.

Streamlined Operations

Running an eCommerce business can be chaotic, but CRM eCommerce software can help you streamline your operations.

With features like inventory management and sales rep tracking, you'll have complete visibility into the business and be able to make better decisions. Moreover, integrations with popular eCommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce allow you to manage your organization from a single dashboard.

Improved Customer Retention

Lastly, CRM eCommerce software is your secret weapon for improving customer retention.


By providing a personalized experience and excellent customer service, you'll create loyal clients who keep returning for more. Plus, with features like customer feedback and reviews, you'll be able to identify areas for improvement and continue to provide the best possible experience for patrons.

eCommerce CRM Software Selection Considerations

eCommerce CRM Software Selection Considerations

Choosing the correct eCommerce CRM software can be daunting, much like trying to find the perfect avocado at the grocery store—you want it to be just right, but there are so many options to choose from.

While you may be tempted to grab the first one you see and hope for the best, taking the time to consider your needs and preference can make all the difference.

Let’s explore the key factors to remember when selecting eCommerce CRM software to locate the perfect match for your business and avoid ending up with a mushy, disappointing avocado.

Customer Data Management

If you're looking to take your business to the next level, it's essential to consider how your CRM software handles customer data management. You want to ensure that you're collecting and storing data and using it to understand customers better.

That's where segmentation comes in—you can tailor approaches to meet their unique needs by grouping customers based on their behavior and preferences.

So, when choosing CRM software, it's crucial to consider how it handles all this vital information. You need a tool that can handle the data and provides the tools needed to make intelligent decisions about the business. After all, customers are the lifeblood of your company, so it's important to take care of them in the best way possible.

Order Tracking and Management

When selecting CRM software for eCommerce, it's essential to consider how it handles order tracking and management. The platform should be equipped to manage order processing needs such as inventory management, order tracking, and shipping.

Advanced features like abandoned cart recovery can also help you recover lost sales and drive revenue growth.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a game-changer in the eCommerce industry.

Effective CRM software should have automated marketing capabilities, ranging from email DRIP campaigns to social media advertising. This feature will allow you to concentrate on other aspects of the business while ensuring you continue delivering personalized messages to customers.

Customer Service and Support

Providing excellent customer service and support is essential in any business and imperative in eCommerce.

When selecting CRM software for eCommerce, look for one that provides the following:

  • Exceptional customer support
  • Including phone
  • Email
  • Live chat options

Additionally, features like customer feedback and reviews can help you identify areas for improvement and enhance the customer experience.

Analytics and Reporting

A comprehensive analytics and reporting system is a vital component of any CRM software for eCommerce.

These are the three key features to look for in CRM software for an eCommerce platform:

  1. Real-time analytics
  2. Sales reporting
  3. Customer behavior tracking

With these capabilities, you can track your business's performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your business's future.

Superhero eCommerce Customer Retention Strategies

Ah, customer retention strategies. The superhero equivalent of the web-slinging Spiderman trying to save his beloved city from chaos and destruction.


Like Spidey, businesses must use their wits and resources to keep customers happy and prevent them from fleeing to the competition.

So, let's dive into three customer retention strategies that will help you be a hero to your customers.

Spidey-Sense Personalization

Have you ever wondered how Spiderman knows exactly where to go and when to save the day?

It's all thanks to his trusty Spidey-sense.

Similarly, organizations must have a keen sense of personalization to retain their customers. Prospects want to feel like they're not just another number, but rather a unique individual who is valued by the company.

This is where personalization comes into play.

One way to personalize the customer experience is to gather information about their interests and preferences. Use this data to tailor marketing messages and promotions to their specific needs. For example, if a client frequently purchases products related to a specific hobby, send them personalized recommendations or exclusive discounts with upsell and eCommerce cross-selling opportunities.

This will make the person feel seen and understood by the brand, and encourage them to continue shopping with you.

Loyalty Program Webs

Spiderman's web is his greatest weapon.

It helps him swing from building to building and catch villains in his grasp.

Loyalty programs are webs companies utilize to keep customers from slipping away. A good loyalty program keeps customers returning for more, making them feel like they're part of an exclusive club.

The key to a successful loyalty program is to offer meaningful rewards to the client. Don't just offer generic discounts or coupons; create tips tailored to buyers' behavior and preferences.

For instance, if customers frequently buy a specific product, offer them a discount on their next purchase. Or, if a customer refers a friend to your brand, offer them a bonus reward for their loyalty.

The Venom of Surprise and Delight

In the Spiderman universe, Venom is a villain that strikes fear into the hearts of heroes and civilians alike.

However, the Venom of surprise and delight in customer retention can be a powerful tool to keep clients returning for more.

What exactly do we mean by surprise and delight?

It's all about going above and beyond what the customer expects. Sending a handwritten "Thank you" note with a person's order or offering them a free sample of a new product is an excellent way to surprise the clients.

These unexpected gestures show the customer that you value their business and appreciate their loyalty.

Another way to surprise and delight clients is by offering them exclusive access to special events or products, making them feel like VIPs, and creating exclusivity around the brand. For example, if you're a clothing store, you could invite loyal customers to a private sale or offer them early access to a new product line.


CRM Software for eCommerce FAQ

If you want to level up your eCommerce game, then CRM software is something to consider. But with so many options available, you might have some questions.

Lucky for you, this section is here to provide all the answers you need.

What Is CRM Software for eCommerce?

CRM software for eCommerce is a tool that helps businesses manage their customer relationships by storing and organizing customer data, tracking interactions with customers, and automating communication and marketing efforts.

What Are the Benefits of Using CRM Software for eCommerce?

Using CRM software for eCommerce can help businesses increase customer satisfaction, improve customer retention, streamline communication, and automate marketing efforts. It can also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, informing business decisions and improving sales performance.

How Does CRM Software for eCommerce Work?

CRM software for eCommerce integrates with a business's eCommerce platform and collects customer data, such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and contact information. Data is stored in a central database and can be accessed by authorized users to inform marketing and communication efforts.

What Features Should I Look for in CRM Software for eCommerce?

When selecting CRM software for eCommerce, look for features such as customer segmentation, automated marketing campaigns, customer data management, and customer support tools. Integration with your eCommerce platform is also vital for seamless data transfer.

Is CRM Software for eCommerce Expensive?

The cost of CRM software for eCommerce can vary depending on the provider and the level of functionality you require. Some providers offer free or low-cost basic plans, while others may charge a monthly subscription fee or a percentage of sales revenue. Evaluating your business needs and budget is essential when selecting a CRM software provider.

Can CRM Software for eCommerce Help with Customer Support?

Many CRM software providers offer tools for managing customer support requests, such as ticket tracking and resolution workflows. This can help businesses respond to customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, improving overall customer satisfaction.

How can I Ensure the Security of my Customer Data with CRM Software for eCommerce?

To ensure the security of customer data, look for CRM software providers that offer robust security features, such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular data backups. Training employees on best practices for data security and limiting access to sensitive customer information is also essential.

CRM Software for eCommerce - Final Thoughts

Implementing CRM software for your eCommerce business can be the superhero you've been waiting for to take your customer relationships to the next level.

Like how Spiderman relies on his web-slinging abilities to manage his crime-fighting duties, CRM software helps manage your customers quickly and efficiently.


With the right CRM software, eCommerce business owners can gain valuable insights into their customer's behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor their marketing efforts and improve sales performance. Additionally, CRM software assists in streamlining communication and automating marketing campaigns, freeing time for company owners to focus on other important tasks.

But, just like how Spiderman needs his trusty web shooters to sling webs effectively, eCommerce business owners need the right CRM software to manage their customer relationships effectively.

And that's where Ringy comes in.

Ringy is a customer relationship management tool that handles all your eCommerce clientele. With features such as customer segmentation, automated marketing campaigns, and customer support tools, Ringy can help you manage your customer relationships with ease and efficiency.

In the words of Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility." As an eCommerce business owner, you have the power to improve your customer relationships, and with Ringy, you can do it with ease.

So why wait? Request a demo and become the superhero your eCommerce organization needs!

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