The Ringy Blog

AI Sales Tools Guide: Benefits, How to Choose, & Top Tools

Written by Ringy | Dec 28, 2023 1:56:00 AM

Are you tired of chasing down leads like a cat on a treadmill?

Wish you had a secret weapon in your sales arsenal that could predict customer behavior, automate repetitive tasks, and close deals faster than a speeding bullet? Well, you’re in for a treat!

Sales is a competitive battlefield. It's a constant struggle to stay ahead of the curve, close more deals, and hit those ever-increasing quotas. But a new breed of weapon has emerged: AI sales tools.

Imagine a world where your sales process is streamlined. Your leads are prepped and ready, and your closing rate skyrockets. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, with AI on your side, it can become a reality.

But with so many options available, choosing the right AI sales tool can feel like navigating a minefield. Don't worry. This guide is your map to success. We'll help you understand the incredible benefits of AI for sales, teach you how to choose the perfect tool for your team, and even reveal some of the top contenders in the market.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the exciting world of AI-powered sales. It's time to unleash your inner sales superhero and conquer the competition!

What are AI Sales Tools?

AI sales tools are software applications that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and augment various aspects of the sales process. These tools can help sales reps predict customer behavior, qualify leads, personalize outreach, automate administrative tasks, and close deals faster.

Think of them as your super-powered sales assistants, working tirelessly behind the scenes to gather insights, analyze data, and automate tedious tasks, freeing you to focus on what you do best: building relationships and closing deals.

But it doesn't stop there. AI sales systems can also provide real-time coaching and feedback, helping you improve your pitch, handle objections, and close more deals.

With these powerful tools at your disposal, you'll be able to:

  • Increase your sales productivity by automating repetitive tasks and freeing up your time.
  • Close more deals by gaining deeper customer insights and delivering personalized sales experiences.
  • Improve your sales performance by receiving real-time coaching and feedback.
  • Gain a competitive edge by leveraging the latest AI technology.

In short, AI tools for sales are the game-changers you've been waiting for. So, are you ready to unlock your full sales potential? Then keep reading!

How Do Sales AI Tools Improve the Sales Process?

Think of your customers as a complex puzzle. You have all the pieces, but figuring out where they all fit can be a real head-scratcher.

AI sales tools are like having a personal puzzle master at your disposal. They analyze vast amounts of data from your customers' interactions with your brand, revealing hidden patterns and predicting their next move with uncanny accuracy.

Here's how AI sales systems improve the sales process.

Helps Manage and Predict Customer Behavior

Think about it like this: you're trying to navigate a dense forest, but you don't have a map or compass. That's kind of what selling without AI tools is like.

AI sales tools, on the other hand, are like having a GPS for your customer journey. They analyze a massive amount of data about your customers, including their past interactions, online behavior, and social media activity. This allows them to build detailed profiles that predict their needs, preferences, and even their next move.

Here's how this can be a game-changer for you:

  1. Say goodbye to cold calls: By understanding your customers' interests, you can tailor your approach and only reach out with relevant information that resonates with them.
  2. Close deals faster: AI can analyze customer interactions and identify the best time to make an offer, increasing your chances of closing the deal.
  3. Identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities: AI can predict which products and services are a good fit for each customer, allowing you to maximize your revenue potential.

But the benefits don't stop there. According to E-commerce Result, artificial intelligence can increase conversion rates in retail by up to 35%.

So, if you're still trying to navigate the customer jungle without a map, it's time to embrace the power of AI sales tools. Trust me, your sales team will thank you for it.

Identify Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities

Ever feel like you're leaving money on the table by not offering the perfect add-on or upgrade to your customers?

It happens. But AI tools for sales are here to help you become the ultimate cross-selling and upselling champion.

Let’s say a customer starts browsing your store looking for a new pair of shoes. But instead of just showing them the latest styles, your AI assistant whispers in your ear, "This customer also viewed our line of premium shoelaces and shoe care products."

Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently suggest these complementary products, boosting your average order value and exceeding customer expectations.

Effective upselling or cross-selling not only enhances the value customers receive but also has the potential to boost revenues by up to 43%. This, in turn, improves customer retention and encourages repeat purchases. That's a pretty impressive return on investment, wouldn't you say?

Here's how AI sales systems work their magic:

  • Analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify purchase patterns and predict what products customers are most likely to buy together.
  • Recommend products in real-time while you're interacting with customers, ensuring you take advantage of every cross-selling or upselling opportunity.
  • Personalize the product recommendations to each customer's individual needs and preferences, making them feel like you're truly invested in their well-being.

So, next time you're face-to-face with a customer, don't rely on your gut feeling alone. Let the power of AI guide you towards those lucrative cross-selling and upselling opportunities. You'll be closing deals like a pro and watching your sales soar to new heights!

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Do you ever feel like a robot, mindlessly going through the same tedious tasks day in and day out?

Yeah, I know the feeling. Data entry, scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails – it's enough to drain the energy out of even the most enthusiastic salesperson.

Fortunately, the best AI tools for sales can automate these repetitive tasks, freeing up your precious time for what you do best – selling!

Imagine this:

  • No more spending hours manually entering data into your CRM. AI can do it for you accurately and instantly. That's time you can actually talk to customers and close deals.
  • Say goodbye to scheduling nightmares. AI can automatically schedule meetings based on your and your prospect's availability. No more back-and-forth emails, just more time for building relationships.
  • Stop wasting time chasing down leads who aren't interested. AI can analyze data and predict which leads are most likely to convert, so you can focus your energy on the ones who matter.

As per the HubSpot State of AI Report, 95% of business professionals acknowledge that AI significantly reduces the time spent on manual tasks. Specifically, sales representatives utilizing AI report saving over two hours each day.

That's 2 extra hours you can put towards building stronger relationships, delivering exceptional service, and ultimately, closing more deals!

Improves Forecasting

Instead of relying on gut feeling and guesswork, AI tools can analyze vast amounts of historical data and identify patterns to predict future trends with mind-blowing accuracy. By considering factors like customer behavior, market conditions, and competitor activity, these tools can give you a crystal ball-like glimpse into the future of your sales performance.

Imagine this:

  • You're finally able to accurately predict your monthly revenue, which means no more scrambling to meet quotas.
  • You can pinpoint which segments of your market are most likely to convert, so you can allocate your resources more effectively.
  • You can identify potential problems before they even arise, so you can proactively address them and avoid costly setbacks.

So, ditch the guesswork and embrace the power of AI. With the right AI sales tools in your arsenal, you can transform your forecasting from a blurry shot in the dark to a laser-focused bullseye!

Considerations For Choosing AI Tools for Sales

So, you're convinced that AI tools for sales are the secret sauce to your sales success? That's fantastic! Now comes the fun part: choosing the right tools for your team.

But hold your horses, partner! Don't just dive into the first shiny AI solution you see. Choosing the wrong tools can be a costly mistake, leaving you feeling like you've just bought a fancy new gadget that's more trouble than it's worth.

To avoid this pitfall, let's delve into the essential considerations for choosing AI sales tools.

Ease of Use

Imagine trying to use a new AI tool that feels like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while blindfolded. Not exactly the recipe for sales success, right?

That's why ease of use is a crucial factor when choosing your AI sales tools. You need something intuitive and user-friendly, something that even your tech-challenged teammate can navigate with ease.

Look for tools with:

  • Clean and simple interfaces. No one wants to spend hours deciphering complex dashboards.
  • Minimal setup and configuration. You want to be up and running quickly, not wrestling with technical jargon.
  • Excellent documentation and support. Resources should be readily available to answer any questions and guide you through the process.

So, prioritize user experience and avoid tools that will turn your sales team into frustrated tech warriors.

Price vs. Features

Sales budgets can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. One minute you're soaring high with champagne dreams, and the next, you're gripping the safety bar tight, hoping you don't lose your lunch. But fear not because finding the right AI sales tool doesn't have to be a financial white-knuckle ride.

It's all about finding the sweet spot between price and features. Do you go for the top-of-the-line model with every bell and whistle imaginable, or do you opt for a more budget-friendly option that might leave you feeling a bit underpowered?

Here's the thing:

The most expensive AI sales tool isn't always the best (just ask anyone who's ever bought a fancy gadget they never use). You need to carefully consider your specific needs and budget before making a decision.

Here are some tips to help you navigate the price vs. features maze:

  1. Start by making a list of your must-have features. What are the absolute deal-breakers that you can't live without?
  2. Do your research. Read reviews, compare pricing, and talk to other sales professionals to get their recommendations.
  3. Don't be afraid to negotiate. Most AI sales tool vendors are willing to work with you on price, especially if you're a new customer.
  4. Remember, the best tool is the one that you will actually use. There's no point in investing in a fancy system if it's just going to collect dust in the corner.

It's also worth considering the long-term costs of ownership. Some AI sales tools require a monthly subscription fee, while others have a one-time purchase price. Be sure to factor in the cost of training, implementation, and ongoing support when making your decision.

How Well the Tool Meets Your Business Needs

Choosing the right AI sales software is like finding the perfect suit: it needs to fit you perfectly and enhance your strengths. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, and a tool that works wonders for one team might leave another feeling like they're wearing someone else's clothes.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself to ensure the AI sales tool you choose is the perfect fit for your business:

  • What are your biggest sales challenges? Are you struggling with lead generation, closing deals, or something else? Choose a tool that specifically addresses your pain points.
  • What are your budget constraints? AI sales tools can range in price from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Make sure you choose a tool that fits your budget without breaking the bank.
  • What is your team's technical expertise? Some AI sales tools are more complex than others. Choose a tool that your team can easily learn and use.
  • What level of data integration do you need? Some AI sales tools integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM system and marketing automation systems, while others require more manual data entry.
  • What are your company's security and privacy requirements? Make sure the AI sales tool you choose has robust security features and complies with all relevant data privacy regulations.

Don't fall for the hype! Take the time to carefully consider your needs before choosing an AI sales software. By doing your homework, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you're investing in a tool that will help you achieve your sales goals.

Data Security

Data is like gold, and just as you wouldn't leave your gold bars on the sidewalk, you wouldn't want to trust your sensitive sales data to just any AI tool.

That's why data security should be your top priority when choosing an AI sales software. You need a solution that offers bank-level security to protect your customer information, financial details, and other confidential data.

Look for features such as:

Security Features



This ensures that your data is scrambled and unreadable to anyone who doesn't have the decryption key.

Multi-factor authentication

This adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more factors to verify their identity.

Regular security audits

These independent assessments help identify and address any potential vulnerabilities in the system.

Don't let data breaches and cyberattacks become your sales nightmare. Choose an AI sales system that takes data security seriously and gives you the peace of mind to focus on closing deals, not worrying about your data.

Here are some alarming statistics to drive the point home:

  • The average cost of a data breach in the United States is $4.45 million, according to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023.
  • 60% of businesses that experience a major data breach go out of business within six months, according to research.

Don't let your company become another statistic. Choose an AI sales tool that prioritizes data security and protects your valuable information, like a digital Fort Knox!


Picture this: you're using your AI sales software to absolutely crush your sales goals. Your pipeline is overflowing with leads, your team is closing deals left and right, and your revenue is soaring through the roof.

But wait... what's that? Your AI sales tool is starting to creak at the seams, struggling to keep up with your meteoric rise.

Disaster! Don't let this happen to you. Choosing the right scalable AI sales tool is crucial for ensuring your success in the long run.

Think of it like buying a car. You wouldn't buy a rusty clunker if you're planning a cross-country road trip, would you? Of course not! You need a reliable vehicle that can handle the journey.

The same goes for AI sales tools. You need one that can seamlessly grow with your business. As your team expands and your customer base grows, your AI tool should be able to adapt and scale accordingly.

So, don't settle for a tool that will hold you back. Choose one that will help you reach for the stars and beyond!

Integrations Support

Let’s say you've invested in a fancy new AI sales tool, only to discover it doesn't play nice with the rest of your tech stack. Suddenly, you're faced with a Tower of Babel situation, where your data and workflows are trapped in isolated silos, hindering your productivity and driving you to the brink of insanity.

Here's the good news: you can avoid this tech nightmare by carefully considering integration support when choosing your AI sales tools.

Think of integrations like translation tools for your software. They allow your AI tools to communicate and exchange information seamlessly with your CRM, marketing automation platform, and other essential systems. This ensures that your data flows smoothly and you have a unified view of your sales activities.

But, the benefits of AI integrations go far beyond data sharing. They can also help you:

  • Automate tedious tasks, like data entry and lead scoring, so you can focus on closing deals.
  • Create a more personalized sales experience for your customers by leveraging insights from your various data sources.
  • Get a complete picture of your sales pipeline and make better decisions about your resources.

Organizations that have closely integrated departments experience a 24% acceleration in revenue growth and a 27% expedited increase in profits over three years. On average, companies observe a 19% swifter rise in revenue and a 15% boost in profitability when their sales and marketing teams are well-coordinated.

When choosing your AI sales tools, make sure they offer robust integrations with the systems you already use. Look for tools that offer pre-built connectors, API access, and the ability to integrate with custom applications.

3 Best AI Tools for Sales

Now that you're armed with the knowledge of how AI tools for sales can transform your sales process, it's time to choose the perfect tool for your team. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming. But with us, it won’t be!

Here are some of the best AI sales tools available today, each offering unique features and benefits:

1. Ringy CRM (It's Us!)

Ringy is more than just a CRM; it's your AI-powered sales co-pilot. Imagine having a personal AI assistant by your side, whispering winning sales strategies in your ear and helping you close deals faster than ever. That's exactly what Ringy does!

Benefits of Ringy:

  • Next-Level Lead Scoring: Forget the days of manually scoring leads. Ringy's AI analyzes your leads and identifies the most promising prospects, so you can focus your efforts where they matter most.
  • Automated Follow-Ups: Say goodbye to tedious follow-up emails and phone calls. Ringy automates the process, ensuring that no lead falls through the cracks.
  • Enhanced Sales Pipeline Visibility: Get a clear and concise view of your entire sales pipeline, from early-stage leads to closed deals. Identify bottlenecks and make data-driven decisions to optimize your sales process.

And if that’s not enough. Our platform has a new AI Scripting Tool. Here are some features of the tool that can help you maximize your sales:



Craft a Call Script in Seconds

Generate personalized calling scripts that resonate with your customers by inputting just a few words.

Import Scripts You Already Have

Improve your existing scripts with recommendations powered by ChatGPT.

Build Better Connections

Create more compelling calling scripts that help you connect better with your customers.

Effortless Script Management

Easily access and manage your scripts from the lead's dashboard.

Additional Benefits of Ringy:

  1. Robust integrations: Ringy seamlessly integrates with your marketing automation platform and other essential systems.
  2. Customizable dashboards: Tailor your dashboards to display the information you need most, providing you with instant insights into your sales performance.
  3. Affordable pricing: Ringy only costs $109/month, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes.

With Ringy, you can say goodbye to the days of cold calls, endless follow-ups, and missed opportunities. By leveraging the power of AI, Ringy empowers you to close more deals, grow your business, and achieve your sales goals faster than ever before.

Ready to experience the magic of AI sales? Sign up for a free trial of Ringy today and see the difference for yourself!

2. SalesLoft


Imagine having a tireless assistant by your side, automating every repetitive task and leaving you free to focus on what you do best: closing deals. That's the magic of Salesloft, the sales automation overlord.

Here's just a glimpse of its superpowers:

  • AI-powered email and cadences: Craft personalized email campaigns that drive engagement and boost your response rates.
  • Automated lead scoring and routing: Ensure your leads are always directed to the right salesperson, increasing conversion rates.
  • Call intelligence and coaching: Analyze your sales calls to identify areas for improvement and become a master negotiator.
  • Seamless integrations: Connect seamlessly with your existing CRM and other sales tools for a unified workflow.



Ever wished you had a crystal ball to see what's happening inside your sales calls? Well, is the closest you'll get. This conversation intelligence whisperer helps you unlock the secrets of your sales calls, revealing insights that can transform your performance.

Here are some of its hidden gems:

  • Automatic transcription and analysis: Capture every word of your conversations and gain valuable insights into customer behavior.
  • Identify winning sales tactics: Discover what works and what doesn't by analyzing your top-performing reps' calls.
  • Coach your team to success: Provide personalized feedback and coaching based on real-time call data.
  • Turn customer feedback into actionable insights: Understand why deals are won or lost and make data-driven decisions to improve your sales strategy.


The days of relying solely on gut feeling and intuition are over. The future of sales belongs to those who embrace the power of AI. With the right AI sales tools, you can:

  • Boost your forecasting accuracy and achieve your revenue goals.
  • Automate tedious tasks and spend more time selling.
  • Gain deeper insights into your customers and personalize your approach.
  • Transform your sales team and close more deals than ever before.

Ready to unleash the power of AI and take your sales to the next level? Sign up for Ringy's Demo here and explore our selection of top-rated AI sales tools. With our expert guidance and customized solutions, you'll be a sales superhero in no time.

Don't wait. The future of sales is here. Start building your AI-powered sales arsenal today!